Standing Desks

Standing Desks

"Where you Stand Depends Where You Sit." *


Where you "stand," or what you believe, comes from your unique perspective.


Based on ergonomic research, how you stand. or sit up straight, is based on the same principle.


If you are sighted, where you look and therefore hold your head, (up or down), orients your head, shoulders, spine and posture.


If you have a "slumped" posture, it's not just from sitting. It's from sitting AND looking down.


If you want better posture -  look straight ahead, instead.




*This statement is called Mile's Law, attributed to Rufus Miles, a 1940's British beaurocrat.


Miles observed and commented on a perceived "law" of human nature by noting that British beaurocrats advocated only for their particular divisions...not what was "best" for the whole.


The makers at HumbleWorks. also based in London, think otherwise. What's best for all of us may also be best for you.


Ergonomics, from the Greek words  "Work," (ergon) and "Nomos," (natural law), involves studying how  standing and sitting upright benefits your physical and mental health.


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