Gift Ideas RSS Feed

Truth Bandage Blog logo, with a bandaid overtop of the text: mb, which stands for memorybeach.


Memory is not one thing: It's a system. There are hundreds of different specialized cells, supported by other body systems, that make up the human mind: those involved in senses, movement, and thoughts and emotions all interact to create your memories. 


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Recomemndations for gifts from MemoryBeach to help people remember important things.

Give & Re-Ceive

Give & Re-Ceive

nancyp 02/05/2019 8
To receive, means re- (back) + take. To take back. If you're feeling as if you aren't loved, if you're feeling lonely, and if you're feeling as if things are out of balance... remember: love first. Then, receive....
Why Personalize  A Gift? It's Scientific

Why Personalize A Gift? It's Scientific

2561 08/02/2020 0
People move to cities where they might share the same name or similar letters, and also be attrached to a partner with a similar name or similar letters in their name. Jozef Nuttin (1933–2014) was a Belgian psychologist who called this finding the name-letter effect, which is used to explain why people named Virginia like to live in Virginia Beach (read more here). So if you're looking for a gift ...