Remember What & Who Is Loved


It's well known that emotion, both good & bad, helps form and consolidate memories. When we "rehearse" those memories, we find ourselves thinking about episodes of our lives, what we felt, and when, and often with whom. 


Our memories give us the infinite capacity to love people. We are social animals, designed to integrate logic & emotion, good times & bad times, and connections with others and our own specialness. And even when some of us struggle to remember our loved ones, love can spark a moment where the memories come flooding back however briefly, of the goodness, kindness and shared experiences that have brought us together.


Finding ways to express ourselves can take work. If we rehearse the good, we remember the good, often to our own benefit.


MemoryBeach wants to help by bringing you the ever-funny, always honest Knock Knock Stuff assortment of small books, mini-journals and gifts to help you remember not just who to love, or what to love, but how to love. 


These books are small pocket-sized nudges toward the goodness inside of you, waiting to be expressed and shared with a loved one. Go ahead, rehearse the good & integrate all the words you know with all the love you feel.




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